Policies + Procedures
a) ages of children served at Kaleidoscope Montessori: 2 1/2 years to 6 years.
b) months of operation:
January to December school starts in August and goes until May.
summer camp weeks are offered as well.
c) days of operation: Monday through Friday
d) hours of operation: 8:30am until 2:30pm
afterschool care from 2:30pm until 5:30pm
e) dates center is closed:
labor day— September 4th, 2017
teacher work day— October 27th, 2017
thanksgiving break— November 20th to 24th, 2017
winter break— December 20th, 2017 to January 3rd, 2018
martin luther king, jr. day— January 15th, 2018
teacher work day— February 19th, 2018
spring break— March 12th to 16th, 2018
teacher work day— April 9th, 2018
summer camp preparation— May 24th to June 1st, 2018
fourth of july break— June 25th to July 6th, 2018
fall preparation— July 30th to August 10th, 2017
We will be closed if inclement weather prevents safe travel. Please refer to our home page (kaleidoscopemontessori.com) and Facebook. Also, use your best judgement to determine safe travel.
f) admission requirements:
The first step in securing a space at Kaleidoscope Montessori is applying online at kaleidoscopemontessori.com/application-form and submitting the application fee. After the application and fee are received, the primary guardian is sent a link to the follow-up questionnaire, which can be found at kaleidoscopemontessori.com/follow-up-questionnaire. All information needs to be kept up-to-date. Parents are obligated to inform Kaleidoscope Montessori of any and all changes regarding the child, payment, contacts, emergency information, etc. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in admission or hiring policies. In its hiring practices the school will further not discriminate on the basis of age or economic status.
Once a child is admitted to Kaleidoscope, parents are responsible for escorting child to and from the center. Parents, with a child enrolled at Kaleidoscope Montessori, have access to all center areas used by the child, and notice will be posted.
(1) A Center shall not accept a child for enrollment or continue the child's enrollment in the center where the Center Staff determines that services necessary to protect the health and safety of the child while at the Center cannot be provided. No child shall be admitted for care to the Center without enrollment records having been completed on the child in accordance with the requirements set forth in these rules.
(2) The admission of a Child with Special Needs must be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and a reasonable effort must be made to accommodate the child’s needs and to integrate the child with other children. These accommodations must be in writing and the result of a mutual agreement between the Center and the Parents of the Child with Special Needs. The agreement shall be made in connection with the child's enrollment or at the time that the special need becomes apparent to the Center or the Parents.
g) tuition + fees:
To check on updated tuition and fees, please see our website at kaleidoscopemontessori.com/tuition-and-fees. Our current tuition and fees are set as follows:
tuition: $6,200 (for August through May)
application fee: $50 enrollment fee: $200 (one-time fee)
insurance fee: $100/child
supply fee: $50/semester
snack fee: $50/semester
If the parent is late for pick up three times, a $35 fee will be charged to the next month's tuition. The fifth late pick up incurs a $50 fee, and a sixth late pick up is $75. After that, a meeting between the director and parent(s) will take place in person or over the phone.
For field trips, we will charge $5/child to cover transportation costs (if necessary). This price is subject to change.
The application fee can be paid online through our website. We are working on availing other payments through our website. For now, we can accept card payments or checks made out to Kaleidoscope Montessori.
Tuition payments are divided evenly over ten months and due the first day of each of the following months:: June, August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May. If tuition is late by five days, parents are sent a reminder email, and on the tenth day, they are charged a $50 fee. Fee payments are due August 1st.
h) transportation:
Parents are to transport children to and from Kaleidoscope Montessori. The school does not provide routine transportation for any reason.
At this point, we have no plans to provide transportation to field trips but rather increase adult supervision and walk. If we absolutely need to travel by van to a field trip location, you will be notified of the details of your child’s transportation. For example, we will give you the company of the hired van with a driver (with a background check, fingerprint check, maximum insurance, etc.), how many seats, what type of restraints it has, and whether or not your child will require a booster seat or car seat on the day of the field trip.
i) guidance and discipline techniques:
We have adopted Bright from the Start's discipline policy. We strive to help children feel safe and supported by the following:
(1) Disciplinary actions used to correct a child's behavior, guidance techniques and any activities in which the children participate or observe at the Center shall not be detrimental to the physical or mental health of any child.
(2) Personnel shall not:
(a) Physically or sexually abuse a child or engage or permit others to engage in sexually overt conduct in the presence of any child enrolled in the Center;
(b) Inflict corporal/physical punishment upon a child;
(c) Shake, jerk, pinch or handle a child roughly;
(d) Verbally abuse or humiliate a child which includes, but is not limited to, the use of threats, profanity or belittling remarks about a child or his family;
(e) Isolate a child in a dark room, closet or unsupervised area;
(f) Use mechanical or physical restraints or devices to discipline children;
(g) Use medication to discipline or control children's behavior without written medical authorization issued by a licensed professional and given with the parent's written consent;
(h) Restrict unreasonably a child from going to the bathroom;
(i) Punish toileting accidents;
(j) Force-feed a child or withhold feeding a child regularly scheduled meals and/or snacks;
(k) Force or withhold naps;
(l) Allow children to discipline or humiliate other children;
(m) Confine a child for disciplinary purposes to a swing, highchair, infant carrier, walker or jumpseat;
(n) Commit any criminal act, as defined under Georgia law which is set forth in O.C.G.A.
j) children's health
(1) Exclusion of Sick Children. A child shall not be accepted nor allowed to remain at the Center if the child has the equivalent of a one hundred one (101) degrees Fahrenheit or higher oral temperature and another contagious symptom, such as but not limited to, a rash, diarrhea or a sore throat. When a child shows symptoms of illness during the day, the child shall be moved to a quiet area away from other children where the child shall be supervised and provided the necessary attention until such time as the child leaves the Center or is able to return to the child's group.
(2) Parental Notification. Parents must be notified of a child's illness or injury as follows: notify immediately and obtain specific instructions until child can be picked up or returned to group: (1) when professional medical attention is required or (2) when child experiences symptoms of moderate discomfort such as elevated temperature (101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher oral temperature) , vomiting, or diarrhea.
notify parent(s) at end of the day:
(1) when professional medical attention is not required,
(2) when child experiences symptoms of less than moderate discomfort, or (3)when child experiences an adverse reaction to prescribed medication which does not constitute moderate discomfort.
(3) Communicable Diseases. The Department’s current communicable disease chart of recommendations for exclusion of sick children from the Center and their readmission shall be followed. Parents of all children enrolled shall be notified in writing of the occurrence of any of the illnesses on the communicable disease chart, as provided by the Department, within twenty-four (24) hours after the Center becomes aware of the illness or the next working day.
(4) Immunizations
(a) We will maintain evidence of age-appropriate immunizations or a signed affidavit against such immunizations within 30 days of child's enrollment.
(5) Medical Emergencies.
Emergency medical services will be obtained from St. Mary's or Athens Regional Medical Center. Parents will be asked their preference for care, and staff will refer to parent's preference in an emergency.
When a medical emergency arises involving a child, the Center Staff shall seek prompt emergency medical treatment and provide any certified or licensed emergency medical persons with immediate access to the child.
(6) Hazardous Items. Children shall not be permitted to wear around their necks or attach to their clothing pacifiers or other hazardous items
k) emergency plans
(1) Severe weather. The center will attempt to plan ahead and close in the case of inclement weather to avoid potential dangers of traveling. However, in the case of unexpected severe weather, such as high winds as in the case of a tornado, children and staff will take refuge in the windowless bathroom and kitchen until such time that the severe weather passes and an all clear is reported.
A monthly drill will be conducted and recorded. We will go to the kitchen and bathroom, time our evacuation, and do a head count once we are positioned.
(2) Fire. The Center will be in compliance with applicable laws and regulations issued by the state fire marshal, the proper local fire marshal or state inspector, including a certificate of occupancy if required prior to receiving any children for care. Staff will receive training in fire safety.
Fire drills will be conducted monthly and recorded. We will sound the smoke alarm (to ensure it is in working order and to acclimate the children to the sound). We will then evacuate to the location specified on our posted fire drill plan. We will time the evacuation and do a head count before, during, and after.
(3) In the event of any other emergency (gas leak, bomb, physical plant problems, etc.), the staff members will act in the best interest of the children. Any decisions for closure of the Center will be made by the Director, and parents will be informed by Staff as quickly as possible. Children will be kept safe.
l) special needs and procedures
"Child with Special Needs" means a child enrolled in a Center who, due to a physical problem, mental health disorder, behavioral disorder, or developmental disability, which is either permanent or temporary, requires some adaptation of the Center's standard program of care or activities to accommodate the child's special needs. A Child with Special Needs shall be integrated into the activities provided by the Center unless contraindicated medically or by written parental agreement.
m) meals and snacks
(1) Compliance with USDA Nutritional Guidelines. Meals and snacks with serving sizes dependent upon the age of the child shall meet nutritional guidelines as established by the United States Department of Agriculture Child Care Food Program. Meals and snacks shall be varied daily, and additional servings of nutritious food shall be offered to children over and above the required daily minimum, if not contraindicated by special diets.
(2) Feeding of Children.
(a) As soon as the child exhibits a desire to feed him/herself, the child shall be assisted and encouraged to use their fingers for self-feeding, eat with a spoon, and to drink from individual cups.
(b) The Center shall encourage and support breastfeeding.
(3) Menus.
The Center shall provide a menu listing all snacks to be served during the current week, and lunch will be provided by the Parent(s). The menus shall be dated and posted near the front entrance of the Center in a location conspicuous to Parent(s) as well as online. Substitutions shall be recorded on the posted menu. Menus shall be retained at the Center for six (6) months.
(4) Meal Service.
(a) Children shall be served all meals and snacks scheduled for the period during which they are present. The Center shall ensure that no child remains at the Center without receiving the scheduled nutritious meals and snacks. There shall be a period of at least two (2) hours between each required meal or snack. Drinking water shall be offered at least once between meals and snacks to children less than three (3) years of age. The following meals and snacks shall be scheduled and served by the Center:
1. Morning snack;
2. Lunch; and
3. An afternoon snack;
(b) Food and beverages shall be served in individual plates or bowls and with individual glasses or cups.
(c) Children shall be encouraged but not forced to eat.
(d) Caregivers shall not use food to punish or reward children.
(e) Children shall be given necessary assistance in feeding and encouraged to develop good nutritional habits.
(f) Hot food shall not be served at a temperature which would cause the children to burn their mouths upon consuming the food.
(g) Drinking water shall be available to all children.
(5) Restrictions. Peanuts, hot dogs, raw carrots, popcorn, fish with bones and grapes shall not be served to the children less than three (3) years of age. Children older than three (3) years of age may be served these foods provided that the foods are cut in such a way as to minimize choking. Foods and drinks with little or no nutritional value, i.e., sweets, soft drinks, etc. shall not be served. Powdered nonfat dry milk shall only be used for cooking purposes.
(6) Modified Diets. When a child requires a modified diet for medical reasons, a written statement from a medical authority shall be on file. When a child requires a modified diet for religious reasons, a written statement to that effect from the
child's Parent(s) shall be on file. All caregiver Personnel shall be informed of the diet restriction for the child and only food that complies with the prescribed dietary regimen but still meets the food and nutrition requirements shall be served to the child.
(7) Unconsumed Food. Any portions of food or drink which are served to children or placed on the table for service and are not consumed at that meal or snack by the children to whom the portions are served shall be thrown away. Portions of parent-provided lunch which remain uneaten will be sent home to notify parents of how much food their child consumed.
(8) Snacks. The center will provide snacks for the children. They will be seasonal, organic, and compliant with sensitivities and allergies. Children will provide their own dishes and utensils.
Sample menu:
Week 1 Monday— edamame and brown rice
Tuesday— banana half with sunbutter and rice crackers
Wednesday— tortilla chips and hummus
Thursday— granola and yogurt
Friday— apple slices and sunbutter
Week 2 Monday— tofu cubes and broccoli
Tuesday— quesadillas with spinach
Wednesday— vegetable soup
Thursday— pumpkin muffins and raisins
Friday— carrots and hummus
(9) Lunch. Parents will provide lunch for their child every day. We provide sample lunch menus for parents, which recommend high protein, complex carbohydrates, no additional sugars, and a variety of fruits and vegetables.
We also ask lunches to be zero waste, and we will send unfinished foods home with the children.
n) special activities
(1) Parents will be notified and give permission for all field trips. We will use Bright from the Start's field trip forms, which detail transportation, destination, contact telephone number, departure time, and return time.
(2) Parents will be notified of any special guests welcomed to Kaleidoscope a week before the scheduled visit.
(3) Descriptions of special projects will be provided on the password-protected blog.
o) napping children
(1) Cots and Mats. Cots and mats shall be provided for each child who is two (2) years of age or older and who is required to take a nap and for each child under the age of two years who can climb out of a crib.
(a) Cot and Mat Construction. Cots and mats shall be of sound construction and of sufficient size to accommodate comfortably the size and weight of the child. Mats must be in good repair, washable, covered with waterproof material and at least two inches (2") thick.
(b) Individual Use. Cots and mats must be used by the same child daily and marked for individual use.
(c) Sheets. Sheets or similar coverings for cots or mats shall either be marked for individual use or laundered daily. If marked for individual use, they must be laundered weekly or more frequently if needed.
(d) Covers. A light cover shall be available for each child's use on a cot or mat and shall be marked for individual use or laundered daily. If marked for individual use, they must be laundered weekly or more frequently if needed.
(2) Pillows. Pillows shall not be used by children under two (2) years of age. When used for children two years of age or older, pillows shall be assigned for individual use and covered with pillow cases that are marked for individual use or covered with cases that are laundered daily. Pillow cases that are marked for individual use shall be laundered weekly or more frequently as needed.
(3) Arrangement of Sleeping and Resting Equipment. All sleeping and resting equipment shall be arranged to avoid obstructing access to exit doors, to provide the caregivers access to each child, and to prevent children's access to cords hanging from window treatments and other hazardous objects. To reduce the transfer of airborne diseases, sleeping and resting equipment shall be arranged as follows. There shall be a minimum of twenty-four inch (24") corridor between each
row of sleeping or resting equipment. There shall be a minimum of twelve inches (12") between each piece of sleeping or resting equipment in each row of equipment. Children shall be placed on cots and mats so that one child's head is toward another child's feet in the same row.
(4) Sleeping and Resting Environment. A Center shall provide a safe sleep environment in accordance with American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) recommendations as listed in (a) through (h) below for all infants.
(a) Center Staff shall place an infant to sleep on the infant’s back in a crib unless the Center has been provided a physician’s written statement authorizing another sleep position for that particular infant that includes how the infant shall be placed to sleep and a time frame that the instructions are to be followed.
(b) Center Staff shall not place objects or allow objects to be placed in or on the crib with an infant such as but not limited to toys, pillows, quilts, comforters, bumper pads, sheepskins, stuffed toys, or other soft items.
(c) Center Staff shall not attach objects or allow objects to be attached to a crib with a sleeping infant, such as, but not limited to, crib gyms, toys, mirrors and mobiles.
(d) Sleepers, sleep sacks and wearable blankets that fit according to the commercial manufacturer’s guidelines and will not slide up around the infant’s face may be used when necessary for the comfort of the sleeping infant. Swaddling shall not be used unless the Center has been provided a physician’s written statement authorizing its use for a particular infant that includes instructions and a time frame for swaddling the infant.
(e) Center shall maintain the infant’s sleeping area to be comfortable for a lightly clothed adult within a temperature range of sixty-five (65) to eighty-five (85) degrees depending upon the season. There shall be lighting adequate to see each sleeping infant’s face to view the color of the infant’s skin and check on the infant’s breathing.
(f) When an infant can easily turn over from back to front and back again, Center Staff shall continue to put the infant to sleep initially on the infant’s back but allow the infant to roll over into his or her preferred position and not re- position the infant.
(g) Wedges, other infant positioning devices and monitors shall not be used unless the Parent provides a physician’s written statement authorizing its use that includes how to use the device and a time frame for using the device is provided for that particular infant.
(h) Infants shall not sleep in equipment other than safety-approved cribs, such as, but not limited to, a car safety seat, bouncy seat, highchair, or swing. Infants who arrive at the Center asleep or fall asleep in such equipment, on the floor or elsewhere, shall be transferred to a safety-approved crib.
(5) Storage. If cots and mats are stored in the children's activity room or area, they shall be stored to prevent children's access to them and to allow maximum use of play space. When storage is available and used for the storage of cots and mats that allows the cots, mats and any bedding to be stored without touching any other cots, mats or bedding, the bedding may be left on the cot or mat. When such storage is not available for the cots and mats, each child’s bedding shall be kept separate from other children’s bedding and stored in containers marked for individual use, such as, but not limited to, bins, cubbies, or bags.
p) children's records
A Center must maintain a file for each child while such child is in care at the Center and for a period of one (1) year after such child is no longer in care at the Center. The file shall contain the following:
(1) Identifying information about the child to include: name, date of birth, sex, address, living arrangement if not with both Parents, name of school, if applicable.
(2) Identifying information about the Parent(s) to include: names of both Parents, if applicable, home and work addresses, and home and work telephone numbers.
(3) Name(s) and addresses of the person(s) to whom the child may be released. Such information shall contain the authorized person’s address, telephone numbers, relationship to child and to Parent(s) and other identifying information.
(4) Identifying information about the person(s) to contact in emergencies when the Parent cannot be reached to include name(s) and telephone number(s).
(5) Identifying information about the child's primary source of health care to include physician's or clinic's name and telephone number.
(6) Statement regarding known allergies or other physical problems, mental health disorders, mental retardation or developmental disabilities which would limit the child's participation in the Center’s program and activities.
(7) Evidence of age-appropriate immunizations or a signed affidavit against such immunizations. The items shall be maintained for each child enrolled in the Center on a form approved by the Department, and no child shall continue enrollment in the Center for more than thirty (30) days without such evidence.
(8) Description of any special procedures to be followed in caring for the child, including any special services which the Center agrees to provide to a Child with Special Needs
(9) Documentation of incidents requiring professional medical attention, other than simple first aid performed by Center Staff, to include: child's name, type of illness or injury, date of illness or injury, how injury or illness occurred, Staff present, method of notifying Parent and services provided to the child.
(10) Parental authorizations.
(11) Parental acknowledgment of their responsibility for keeping Center advised of any significant changes in enrollment information concerning phone numbers, work locations, emergency contact, family physicians, etc.
(12) Parental acknowledgment that when the Parent(s) or persons authorized by the Parent(s) pick up or drop off their child at the Center, they will not allow their child to enter or leave the Center without being escorted and that the Center will not permit the child to enter or exit the Center without an escort.
(13) Parental acknowledgment that where the School-age Center does not agree to provide routine meals and/or snacks, as appropriate, for the children, the Parent(s) agree that they shall provide the children with nutritious meals and snacks daily as appropriate.
(14) Confidentiality. Information pertaining to the children enrolled at a Center is considered confidential and may not be released by Center Staff without first obtaining written permission signed by the Parent(s) except in the following situations. Relevant information relating to the children's family situations, medical status and behavioral characteristics on the children enrolled at the Center at any time shall be shared among Center Staff, with members of the Department or with other persons authorized by these rules or the law to receive such information, or with other persons in an emergency situation involving the child.
(15) Attendance Records. A child's daily attendance records for the twelve (12) preceding months must be maintained but need not be filed in each child's record. These records shall be made available to the Department in printed or written form upon request.
(16) Arrival and Departure Records. Records of a child’s daily arrival and departure for the twelve (12) preceding months shall be maintained but need not be filed in each child’s record. The Parent or person(s) authorized by the Parent to drop off and pick up the child will document, in written or electronic format, each time the Parent or authorized person drops off and picks up the child. The Center shall ensure that children are only released to authorized person(s), and Center Staff shall take necessary steps to determine that any such person(s) presenting to pick up a child in care is authorized by the Parent(s) of the child and that person matches the identifying information provided by the Parent.
1. The documentation shall include at least the following information: the date, the child’s name, the arrival and departure times, and the signature or initials of the Parent or authorized person at the time of arrival and departure.
2. These records shall be made available to the Department in printed or written form upon request.
q) The following notices will be posted in the Center:
(1) license
(2) copy of rules
(3) review of evaluation report
(4) communicable disease chart
(5) statement of parental access
(6) names of persons in charge
(7) current weekly menu
(8) emergency plans for severe weather and fire
(9) statement for visitors