2025 Summer Camps

This year we are offering camps to the children who are already enrolled at Kaleidoscope, their siblings, and Kaleidoscope alums. Please check your child for symptoms of COVID and other communicable diseases before they attend camp, and be in communication with us to keep your child, the other children, and Kaleidoscope staff as healthy as possible.

Camp days go from 9a until 2p. After camp will run from 2p until 5:30p, and you’ll be invoiced at the end of each month. Your child will need a packed lunch, water bottle, weather-appropriate clothes, and sunscreen and bug spray (if you don’t want us to use Kaleidoscope-provided ones).

Thank you so much for your interest in Kaleidoscope's summer! Please look out for an email from Ashley (kaleidoscopemontessori@gmail.com) to provide details about the camp(s) your child will attend this summer as we get closer to camp weeks. You can pay via Venmo to @ashleyjholder by month or by week. Please pay at least a week before the first day of camp week. If you need alternative payment methods, please feel free to ask over email.